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Is That Really Snow? In July? In Mexico?

We were driving to the airport yesterday to pick up my parents during a rain storm. Flooding was everywhere, and Mexicans are horrible drivers even in good conditions. We live 45 minutes away, around a few small mountains on the other side of Queretaro.

As we were driving we saw all this white stuff on the ground. Did a salt truck have an accident?

Is there a weird plant that releases white stuff during the rains?

Is that really snow?

No, this was hail. In July. In Mexico. The size of your thumbnail. And it was everywhere!

We couldn’t believe it. Obviously the locals couldn’t either because they were taking pictures of it as much as we were.


To see just how much hail was dumped on us, check out the video below.

Never thought you’d see “snow” in Mexico, huh?



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